I'm an experienced digital Product Designer & Art Director at Meta. I consider myself a creative generalist who can work just about any problem space I’m pointed at.
This website is where I experiment and learn. Here are the attributes that drive my thinking and creative process…
The things I work on change at an intense rate. That’s why being adaptable, while navigating ambiguity and uncertainty, is my most important attribute. To stay flexible I keep my head in the future and envision multiple paths. So when one starts to denoise I’m able to embrace it with less shock. Sometimes, I have to just get out of my own way.
Creativity is my default mode. I don't JUST critique or ask questions. I follow up with ideas and action to move things forward. These ideas are born from a blended mix of ingredients. Recipes may include: people problems, behavioral patterns, societal context, data, tech roadmaps, business needs, and life experience.
My brain’s wired for patterns, grids, and alignments. I break off the grid when needed. But for the most part I think systematically so ideas can scale and evolve efficiently.
Everything I work on comes from a strategy. If there isn't one in place then I’ll block out a draft before going too far. Whenever in doubt on a decision or direction I rely on the basic (who, what, why, where, when, how) questions for guidance.
It’s not just about externalizing ideas. It's how I simplify, organize, and manage them. In my experience the best way to ensure ideas travel and survive is through visibility.
I'm obsessed with learning and trying new things. Which often puts me in the “ahead of it’s time” territory. Not always the best spot to be in. However, it's where I'm compelled to live.
My design side can be a little too serious (lame) at times. Even restricting. When I notice this becoming a problem I open up my art side and introduce more playfulness. Even venture into absurdism. These are where some of the best ideas are born.